
The Shape of Things to Come

This video recently surfaced, but it is, unfortunately, not the one that aired on Video Concert Hall, which could be described as more of a theatrical video, shot on film. My personal (vague) recollection is that it was set on a rainy night. Paul's more specific recollection of the clip is that it included what looked like a medieval stone castle after dark, with the band scattered out over a greater distance (and the keyboard player facing sideways), and that there was some kind of a plot to it.

Even though this does not appear to be the clip that appeared on VCH, it is still cool to see The Headboys, and is a great addition to this archive. We'll continue to keep our eyes open for the promo video.

Thanks to Ed on MySpace, who pointed out that this video had been posted to YouTube.

Do it or Die

Starry Eyes

As one might imagine, there is a copious amount of web searching done in the hopes of filling out the video collection on this blog. The searching has revealed that, on several occasions, Video Concert Hall fans have included this video in their lists of recollected VCH videos.


Bring on the Night

After approximately a year of searching (on both our parts), Paul has finally turned up this video! The quality is terrible, but at least it is finally here!

Do That to Me One More Time


Do I Do

Fool in Love with You



We Can Get Together



Jackie Blue

The Shoes

Too Late

Rockabilly Boogie

Talk of the Town

Message of Love



Red Rider

Lunatic Fringe

Thanks, as always, to Paul for continuing to supply the vids.

Here come a bunch!


Rock Hard

Sorry about the quality -- this seems to be the only one out there. Thanks to Paul for finding it.