Working Girl
My sister and I were talking the other day about this song/video, and she expressed complete assurance that it was on Video Concert Hall. While the video is not on the Wikipedia list, it is definitely of the era (1981) and I can attest to the fact that she watched copious amounts of VCH. Does this ring any bells for you?
Labels: The Members
I thought it was high time to give this blog some love; this last couple of months, I have been somewhat swamped -- to the point where the only attention I have been giving it is to go though and make sure that the videos have not been removed from their respective sources. My intent is to back up all the videos so that I can replace them if and when the need arises.
In the near future, I also intend to go through the Wikipedia list again and see if there is anything posted, either to the list itself or to YouTube et al, that wasn't there the last time I checked. On that note, I just wanted to emphasize that I am largely going by the Wikipedia list for postings to this blog. There are many Video Concert Hall videos of which I have a very solid memory (Tim Curry, The Police, The Dickies, just to name a few), and others that I have forgotten over the last 27 years. I also think that my rabid viewership of VCH occurred in it's latter half, and so I assume that there were videos that aired earlier in the show's run that I never saw -- at least as part of the show. I realize that there may be errors in the Wikipedia list -- things people remember from early MTV or other video shows. The only way to truly know exactly what aired, would be to have extensive proof on video or some kind of written transcript. Actually, I now know that there is some video out there, and am quite intrigued by the prospect -- hopefully something will come of that.
Anyway, I am striving for as much accuracy as is possible, and hope that people who visit here will enjoy the videos they remember, brush over the ones they don't, and help out if they can (i.e. if I don't have the correct version, assist me in finding it, etc.).
Thanks to everyone who has visited, commented, and written. It may take me a little while, but I will get back to you. I find it quite interesting that Video Concert Hall seems to be such an enduring memory for those of us who experienced it.